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Basically, it lets you use a USB flash drive as secondary memory cache, which helps your computer to run faster. Keep in mind that it’s no substitute for RAM, though. Luckily, it’s possible to speed up computer running Windows Vista by customizing its settings. So before you spend a lot of money on new hardware, follow these simple steps to improve Vista performance. The Indexing Service is a handy way to speed up searches, but if you rarely go hunting for files this can be turned off. Open Computer, right-click on the hard drive and clear the Index This Drive box.

On the off chance that you need to keep working and restart later, select Restart Later. Jump to a feature below and complete the steps to disable it. Go to Computer, right-click on the removable storage device and select Properties. Compared to Windows XP, Vista is a much heavier and resource-hungry operating system.
Change desktop icons in Microsoft Windows Vista
It does not have all the features of the Vista Home Premium. Due to its simplicity and straightforwardness, it allows you to find your programs easier. It also protects better that the Windows XP as it is programmed to defend against malware. For more performance tweaks try out a comprehensive system utility – Auslogics BoostSpeed. With this program you will be able to tune over 280 hidden system settings to speed up your Vista’s performance. This tip will not really speed up the computer as such, but will definitely let you use the computer faster.
Advanced tools
User Account Control (UAC)
This feature is not only annoying, but it also wastes a lot of time stopping processes that are not threats to the computer — this is why Windows 7 has a much more scaled-back version of UAC. If you want to continue working and restart later, select Restart Later. After you have made these changes to your system, gauge the improvement in your system's performance.

However, you may need to use your PC while it's carrying out this task. You can do this, but there'll be a performance hit. The following steps will explain many of these features, how they work, and most importantly, how to disable them if they are not ones you need. Isn't it annoying how long it takes Windows to start up sometimes?
Use custom fonts and colors in windows on a Microsoft Windows Vista PC
It has lots of great features, like Aero, but they can slow down your computer, especially if it doesn’t have enough RAM or has a weak CPU. When our powers combine, we become 'TECHRADAR STAFF'. Take a look at all those icons in your system tray. For every essential item like your antivirus program, there will be something else, like QuickTime, which probably doesn't need to be there at all. Right-click or double-click that icon, look for ways you can tell the program not to load, and benefit from a little extra speed.

Take advice from sites like Black Viper, and if you're in doubt about something, leave it running. Most PCs running Windows Vista will have SATA hard drives installed. If yours does, you can improve its performance by enabling Advanced Performance on the drive. After you disable a feature, you will be prompted to restart your computer.
Restarting your computer will likely take some time to complete as Windows removes the component. After the computer has restarted and returns to Windows, you should notice some speed improvement. With this video, you will learn how to improve the speed and performance of your Vista PC, as well as get it up and running much faster. Follow along with this step by step and within a few short minutes, you should have a much less frustrating machine.
It's always a good idea to monitor your system to see if your activities have added to its stability or, more likely, degraded it. The Reliability Monitor displays a helpful graph that shows system stability over time, so you can see how each action has affected your computer. Write caching should already be enabled on the disk, but you'll need to tick the 'Advanced Performance' box. User Account Control is a security feature that is supposed to provide better protection for a computer by asking the user for confirmation every time an action is performed.
This should be researched didligently though before removing. And as always a Registry backup begfore proceeding is an excellent idea. User Account Control is a security include that should give better insurance to a PC by approaching the client for affirmation each time an activity is performed. On the off chance that you can’t survive without the Snipping Tool or you have a Tablet PC keep this element.
Sharninder is a programmer, blogger and a geek making a living writing software to change the world. Join him on his travels around the tech 'o' sphere at Geeky Ninja. The Basic setting is a nice compromise between speed and usability, though. You can try the Windows Standard and Windows Classic settings too if you want to. Aero is the fancy marketing term for the not-so-fancy graphics that you see in Windows Vista. Sure, some of those effects look pretty and might even impress your girlfriend but Aero is a resource hog.
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